Alfred Blackburn Smith Reserve
South Shore, Paget
Acreage: 8.7 acres
Donated by Elfrida Chappell, 2003
Special Features:
Open to Bermuda Audubon Society members and Coral Beach members and guests. Others may contact the Society for permission to visit.
This beautiful coastal reserve has a walking trail and magnificent south shore views. A rare example of native and endemic coastal forest, it is a good place to see wood warblers during the spring and fall migrations, to watch the spring courtship of the White-tailed Tropicbird (Longtail) and to look out for Humpback Whales in April during their spring migration north.
Because of its size and seclusion, the reserve has hosted some shy and unusual bird species including a Long-eared Owl and Ruby-throated Hummingbirds.
Notable flora on the reserve include thriving stands of the native Box Briar (Randia aculeata), which is confined almost exclusively to this part of Bermuda, the uncommon native Darrell’s Feabane (Erigeron Darrellianus) and our national flower Bermudiana (Sisyrinchium bermudiana). There are three healthy specimen of the extremely rare Yellow Wood (Zanthoxylum flavum) planted on the reserve as part of its restoration.
Management of the reserve is supported by a generous donation from Coral Beach Club members and includes culling of invasive plants, particularly casuarinas, and restoration of native plant communities. Additional nest sites for longtails have been created along the coastline using artificial ‘igloos’.