A non-profit registered charity, Bermuda Audubon Society has no premises or paid staff and relies on voluntary assistance from our members and the corporate community to maintain our nature reserves and run our programmes. This means that every penny we receive goes directly to supporting our valuable work for Bermuda’s environment, particularly its bird life. We need your support in protecting Bermuda’s natural heritage for the benefit of present and future generations.
You can:
Donate online with your credit card – click here.
Donate by direct transfer to the Bermuda Audubon Society’s Butterfield Bank Account
# 20 006 060 055394 100. Please put your name and ‘Donation’ in the beneficiary information field and email us at info@audubon.bm to let us know, so that we can acknowledge your generosity.
Donate by cheque (payable to Bermuda Audubon Society) sent to The Treasurer,
P.O. Box HM 1328, Hamilton HM FX, Bermuda.
US citizens can make donations via the Friends of Bermuda Community Foundation (FBCF), a public charity that is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue.