Bermuda Audubon Society has a long and proud history as an advocate for our island’s environment. Shortly after the society was formed in the 1950s it lobbied for a revision of the Protection of Birds Act, which at that time allowed the killing of hawks and owls. It also mounted a vigorous campaign against the government policy of garbage disposal in marshes, which was rapidly filling in our biologically rich wetlands.

- We not only advocate strongly for the protection of open space, but have shown our commitment through the acquisition and preservation of over 60 acres of land.
- We submit objections to Planning against developments that we feel will have a significant negative environmental impact. In recent years the Audubon Society has partnered with other local environmental organisations to fight the development of protected woodland on the Tucker’s Point property under a Special Development Order, and to save the magnificent Southlands property in Warwick as a national park.
- We have taken the lead in campaigning for a solution to the growing problem of feral cats in Bermuda.
- We encourage the planting of native and endemic trees and shrubs and the removal of invasive species.
- We encourage and advise on bird friendly building practices. Click here for the American Bird Conservancy Guide on Bird-Friendly Building Design.
- As member of the Sargasso Sea Alliance, we have lobbied for the formation of a marine reserve within Bermuda’s territorial waters.