Summer is the quietest season in terms of the variety of bird species. Resident birds like the Eastern Bluebird are busy breeding, perhaps on their second or third brood, and the visiting White-tailed Tropicbirds (Longtails) are much in evidence along the coast.

A few late migrants like the Barn Swallow and Chimney Swifts may still be passing through, while others (probably non-breeding birds) may even spend the summer here – especially the herons and egrets. There are always surprises – perhaps a Brown Pelican or Magnificent Frigatebird. Check even the smallest pond and you will find the occasional shorebird – probably a Yellowlegs – but perhaps something as graceful and stunning as the Black-necked Stilt.
Material adapted from “A Birdwatching Guide to Bermuda” by Andrew Dobson, Arlequin Press 2002.