Bermuda Bird ID cards
The Bermuda Audubon Society has produced two bird identification cards. One card features all of Bermuda’s breeding birds with migratory land birds on the reverse side. The second card features Bermuda’s seabirds with migratory wetland birds on the reverse. The cards are laminated, 9×6 inches and retail starting at $5 each.
They are currently available from: Bermuda Bookstore and Bookmart at Brown & Co.

Bermuda’s Treasure Island DVD
Documentary about Nonsuch Island and the Cahow. Castletown Productions in association with Bermuda Audubon Society. Created and produced by Deirdre Brennan, 2006. “Step back centuries on Nonsuch Island and see Bermuda as the first settlers saw it in the 1600s. See the Cahow, Bermuda’s legendary seabird, return to Nonsuch after more than 300 years.”
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Bluebird boxes and kits
Available from Aberfeldy Nurseries, Pomander Road, Paget (Tel: 236-2927). All proceeds go to Audubon.
Kits $25, ready-made boxes $35.
Longtail “igloos” (artificial nest boxes)
Available from Bermuda Audubon Society. Email
$120 each (installation and location advice available on request)